The Wanderer (Will Worthington)

Iris: An Allegory

November 4, 2018
The allegory that introduces this piece was the visionary trigger for Iris to come through...
Patterns and Paradox,
Iris - Radiance and Coherence

A Metalinguistic Navigation of Identity

March 15, 2017
This was part of a possible concluding statement/chapter for the work. As a whole it is tr...
Patterns and Paradox,
Book (Kydriashka)

Glossary for Patterns and Paradox

March 15, 2017
All philosophy resorts to neologisms (creating "new words" to describe novel ideas) at som...
Patterns and Paradox,
Eye (artist unknown)

The Essential Paradox

March 15, 2017
This particular section introduces "the essential paradox", the core reference point for t...
Patterns and Paradox,